Having survived death almost four years ago, I’ve discovered a singular moment that begs to be captured in paint. It’s that brief, intense struggle for life—the clash of fire and light amidst darkness, culminating in that first breath, a visceral reminder of being alive. It’s an inherently human experience that I aim to encapsulate with every color at my disposal. My paintings are a tribute to life’s essence, each stroke a celebration of the ordinary becoming extraordinary. Immersed in literature and poetry, I find inspiration to explore the infinite universes where my art can exist forever, seeking immortality through my work. And for those who view my canvases, may they not just see paint on the surface but sense the pulse of my beating heart, inviting them to join me in this timeless journey.

Born in Athens in 1988, my lifelong passion for art led me to relocate to Spain at 22, where I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts and later pursued a Master’s in Montessori education & adolescence psychology. Over a decade in Spain refined my artistic craft, blending figurative abstraction with portraiture to capture intensity and contemplation. For 13 years, I’ve exhibited my art globally, while also engaging in theoretical aspects by facilitating workshops and seminars. Grounded in feminist literature, my work challenges norms and encourages introspection, aiming to empower women and inspire personal and societal transformation.

Portrait in front of Loving la maga


2024 (upcoming) September – Winner of the Creative Residence Grant in Centre Pompadour, European Art Neofeminist Residence, France

2024 (upcoming) October – Paintings & Installation. PLATFORM PROJECTS, International Contemporary Art Fair, Athens, Greece

2024 (upcoming) May – Paintings. Collective Exhibition, Calabro Art Gallery, Zurich Switzerland

2024 March-May The State in Between Loss & Discovery – Paintings. Collective Exhibition, Insistrum & Hypha Studios, London UK

2024  (February) Art Fair Participation- ART CAPITAL PARIS, Grand Palais Paris France

2024 (February) Witches & Goddesses [preface]- Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Mikrou, Greece

2024 (February-March)  ITHAKA International Art Festival, Participation with project Witches & Goddesses, Belgium

2023 Insistrum – Paintings. Collective Exhibition, Booze Cooperativa Gallery, Athens, Greece

2023 International Festival of Feminist and Lesbian Cinema Paris – Paintings. Collective Exhibition Cineffable. Paris, France

2023 WILD TALES – A dialogue with the Dutch Expressionists – Paintings. Solo Exhibition, Kwaster Art Gallery, Belgium

2023 MADONNAS – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Psifida Art Gallery, Cyprus

2023 MADONNAS – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Gwendoline, Grenoble, France

2022 MORSURES – Paintings. Solo Exhibition L’Anecdote, Paris, France

2021 SAUVAGE – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Gwendoline, Grenoble, France

2018 POESIA VISUAL – Paintings, poetry. Duo Exhibition Gallery Méson de los Poetas, Guanajuato, Mexico

2017 CAMBIANDO TERCIOS – Paintings. Duo Exhibition Gallery Méson de los Poeta, Guanajuato, Mexico

2017 AQUELLO – Paintings, poetry. Representation of the vulva based on the poetry of N. Kavvadias

Solo exhibition Gallery Mamafante&Papaposa, Seville, Spain

2016 GATAKIA – Paintings, Illustrations. Duo Exhibition Gallery El viajero sedentario, Seville, Spain

2014 REPHRASE – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Kreislauf. Munich, Germany

2014 1st OF MAY – Paintings. Collective Exhibition City hall of Seville, Spain

2014 MIRADAS DE MUJERES – Paintings, installations, video art, performance. International Art Festival

participation with the project Menarche. Collective Exhibition Gallery Weber – Lutgen, Seville Spain

2014 50 YEARS WITHOUT CERNUDA – Paintings, sculptures. Collective Exhibition, Accion Directa Art Center,

Seville, Spain

2013 THE FALL – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Chicago Art Place, Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain

2013 TIEFSCHWARZ-ANTPARALLEL – Paintings and engravings. Collective project with the artist Dieter Zurnieden. Gallery Weber-Lutgen, Seville, Spain

2013 CRUZANDO CHARCOS – Paintings, sculptures. Collective International Exhibition Gallery Fundeca, Seville, Spain

2013 LOS HILOS INVISIBLES – Paintings and engravings. Solo Exhibition. Hall of Health Equity Association

Uruguay – Spain

2013 LUCID DREAMING – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Bicicleteria, Seville, Spain

2013 APNEAS – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Anima, Seville, Spain

2013 15 YEARS OF ACCION DIRECTA – Paintings and installations. Collective Exhibition, Accion Directa Art Center. Seville, Spain

2012 PALABRAS GRIEGAS – Paintings. Solo Exhibition Gallery Tasca, Seville, Spain

2012 YELLOW PAGES – Paintings,collages. Solo Exhibition Gallery Feria 61, Seville, Spain

Artworks in public collections: EU Committee of the Regions, Belgium. Private collections: Italy, Spain, Germany, Greece, France,Mexico, Canada, Belgium, France, Sweden



2024 Winner of the Creative Residence Grant, Centre Pompadour, France. Fully Granted Art Residence & Exhibition

2024 thaka International Art Festival, Belgium. Commission and Exhibition

2023 Cinnefable International Festival of Feminist and lesbian cinema, Paris, France. Commission and

2022 Exhibition ToBe Art Center, Turnhout Belgium. Solo Exhibition



2021 Master’s Montessori Education/Adolescent Psychology

2021 (course) Modern & Contemporary American Poetry University of Pennsylvania

Universidad de Cuyo

2015 Bachelor’s in Fine Arts, University of Seville, Spain

2019 TESOL Arisona State University

2013 (course) Technology and Scenic Arts

CICUS University of Seville, Spain

2012 (course) PERFORMANCE/Body Action/Performance Minimal by Willem Wilhelmus CICUS University of Seville, Spain



(ongoing project) Girls on the Run

2023-2024 Witches & Goddesses

2023 Art mentor in Women on Top (ongoing)

2023 Madonnas. Stories and Paintings of Alternative Motherhoods

2022 PARADIS. A multidisciplinary, participative project by Marina Tziara

2021 Artist & Project Manager Region Rhône – Alpes. Company People&Baby, France

Project ‘Art et Nature’ – Creation of ephemeral and sustainable artistic installations in nurseries

2015 – 2021 Creative and Alternative education. Arts integration, multilingualism. Spain, Greece, France

Art therapy volunteering (children, teenagers, adults, immigrants)

2012 – 2014 Founder – Artist – Educator, Gatakia Company. Spain

Contemporary art workshops

2013 – 2014 Menarche (a 9-month-audiovisual project). A thorough audiovisual documentation of the menarche and it’s abstraction in the feminine body. 9 photographic interventions & video art. Spain, Greece

2013 PINTURA VERBAL – a project of interactive & conseptual art. VEGAP Madrid, Spain

Audience Participatory Project. Creation & main idea Marina Tziara, writer Jaime Castro Garcia.

2013 Participation in JIAAP 3 (International Festival Of Performance and Artistic Action 2013)

WEBER-LUTGEN Gallery & City Hall of Seville. Spain

2012 El afecto es revolutionario – a reflection of urban art to humans. Collaboration with the artist Teresa Ribuffo. WEBER-LUTGEN Gallery & City Hall of Seville. Spain

2011 BLACKBIRD – a video art project – the human presence in the Canary Islands. Collaboration with the photographer Rulo Campos. Canary Islands



About Inspiration Artistic, sensorial & multidisciplinary seminar, which opts to enhance or unlock individual or collective inspiration with the utter goal of artistic sublimation.

The Hearing Trumpet Artistic, Montessori laboratory which uses art as a metalanguage to create hybrid identities. Based on the work and the writings of Leonora Carrington.

The oceanic feeling Simply a description of the feeling the infant has before it learns there are other persons in the world. A laboratory focuses on the idea of the ‘Whole’. Individual/group exploration, body language,music, sounds, and upcycling material, canalizing overwhelming feelings into artistic flow.

Part 1.Weaned -The primitive ego-feeling. Dealing with overwhelming feelings through art. Raw emotionalism, stark movement, humour and expressionism. Artists Explored: W.Thompson, P.Bausch & E.Schiele

Part 2.Boundaries Blended with love. Limitlessness. Extended collaborative braiding, deep concentration and motricity, discharge.

Our Ego in the imaginary world -The illustrative tale  Intrapersonal relationships, self
representation, illustration of ideas, creative writing, and
performative experimentation. Creating and binding an illustrative tale of our ego in the notion
of  ‘kairos’

The Non-mechanical repetition (postminimal) Labyrinths & invented words based on the work
of Simon Hantaï and ‘Ringaround Arosie’ by

Designed for children, teenagers and adults and have been carried out in public and private schools in Spain, France and Cyprus. Some of them in Social Centers in Spain, France and Belgium but also private groups of women or members of the LGBTQ community.